Sunday, January 15, 2012

Yogyakarta: Eat Pray Love Sundays

Eat. Gado Gado.
Gado-gado is a vegetable salad served with a peanut sauce dressing, and optionally topped with some fried crackers.

Eat. Gado Gado.

Pray. Prambanan.
Candi (Temple) Prambanan is a Hindu temple in Indonesia and at the same time a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Pray. Candi Prambanan.

Pray. Candi Prambanan.

Love. Kraton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat.
Kraton is the Javanese word for royal palace. It is a complex of halls, museums, and the residences of the sultan and the queen.

Love. Kraton palace guards.

Love. Kraton halls.

Love. Kraton museums.

Eat Pray Love Sundays is a series I'm doing, highlighting one destination and how it nourishes travelers and locals alike. 
"Eat" features a location's food; how it nourishes the physical body.
"Pray" pertains to anything about worship or nourishing one's spirit.
"Love" is such a broad topic that it covers the rest--people, nature, culture. Those that nourish the soul. 

Next Sunday, I'll be putting Jeju on the spotlight!


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